This page is part of the FUT Infrastructure (v3.3.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 3.4.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Active as of 2024-11-05 |
<OperationDefinition xmlns="">
<id value="-s-schedule-questionnaireresponses"/>
<status value="generated"/>
<div xmlns=""><p class="res-header-id"><b>Generated Narrative: OperationDefinition -s-schedule-questionnaireresponses</b></p><a name="-s-schedule-questionnaireresponses"> </a><a name="hc-s-schedule-questionnaireresponses"> </a><a name="-s-schedule-questionnaireresponses-da-DK"> </a><p>URL: [base]/$schedule-questionnaireresponses</p><h3>Parameters</h3><table class="grid"><tr><td><b>Use</b></td><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Scope</b></td><td><b>Cardinality</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Binding</b></td><td><b>Documentation</b></td></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>anonymization</td><td/><td>1..1</td><td><a href="">string</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>_partition</td><td/><td>0..1</td><td><a href="">integer</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>organization</td><td/><td>1..1</td><td><a href="">Reference</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>condition</td><td/><td>0..*</td><td><a href="">Coding</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>period</td><td/><td>0..1</td><td><a href="">Period</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>plan</td><td/><td>0..*</td><td><a href="">Reference</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>questionnaire</td><td/><td>0..*</td><td><a href="">Reference</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>careteam</td><td/><td>0..*</td><td><a href="">Reference</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>IN</td><td>tag</td><td/><td>0..*</td><td><a href="">Coding</a></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td>OUT</td><td>return</td><td/><td>0..1</td><td><a href="">Binary</a></td><td/><td/></tr></table></div>
<version value="3.3.0"/>
<name value="schedule-questionnaireresponses"/>
<title value="Schedule questionnare responses"/>
<status value="active"/>
<kind value="operation"/>
<date value="2024-11-05T10:04:41+00:00"/>
value="Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)"/>
<name value="Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)"/>
<system value="url"/>
<value value=""/>
value="### Report Contents
This report contains a collection of questionnaire responses and related resources
- Organizations
- CareTeams
- PlanDefinitions
- ActivityDefinitions
- Questionnaires
- QuestionnaireResponses
- Communication
- ServiceRequestSummary
### Grouping
This report is grouped by Questionnaire. Each group is returned as a FHIR bundle in a separate JSon file.
### Parameters
- organization: Filter on EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization match
- condition: Filter on CarePlan.addresses.code match
- period: Filter on QuestionnaireResponse.authored within period
- plan: Filter on Plan match
- questionnaire: Filter on ActivityDefinition.composed-of match
- careteam: Filter on careteam in CarePlan.careteam or
- tag: Filter on tag match
### Output
Output can be found in Binary.content. This is a Base64 encoded .zip file containing JSon files corresponding to the report groups.
### Example output
### Output
'resourceType' : 'Bundle',
'id' : 'Questionnaire/44529',
'entry' : [ {
'fullUrl' : '',
'resource' : {
'resourceType' : 'PlanDefinition',
'id' : '24206',
'meta' : {
'versionId' : '1',
'profile' : [ '' ]
'extension' : [ {
'url' : '',
'extension' : [ {
'url' : 'reference',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'url' : 'role',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'owner'
} ]
} ]
} ],
'version' : '1.0',
'status' : 'active',
'action' : [ {
'definitionCanonical' : ''
} ]
}, {
'fullUrl' : '',
'resource' : {
'resourceType' : 'ActivityDefinition',
'id' : '10919',
'meta' : {
'versionId' : '1',
'profile' : [ '' ]
'extension' : [ {
'url' : '',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'noSharing'
} ]
}, {
'url' : '',
'extension' : [ {
'url' : 'reference',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'url' : 'role',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'owner'
} ]
} ]
} ],
'version' : '1.0',
'name' : '0ca879ed-678c-4439-aa4a-efc597f92dfb',
'status' : 'active',
'topic' : [ {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'treatment'
} ]
} ],
'relatedArtifact' : [ {
'type' : 'composed-of',
'resource' : ''
} ],
'code' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : '273586006'
} ]
}, {
'fullUrl' : '',
'resource' : {
'resourceType' : 'Questionnaire',
'id' : '44529',
'meta' : {
'versionId' : '1',
'profile' : [ '' ]
'extension' : [ {
'url' : '',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'QQ'
} ]
}, {
'url' : '',
'extension' : [ {
'url' : 'reference',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'url' : 'role',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'owner'
} ]
} ]
} ],
'version' : '1.0',
'name' : '090b990e-046a-4374-b7c6-b08613a41cce',
'status' : 'active'
}, {
'fullUrl' : '',
'resource' : {
'resourceType' : 'Organization',
'id' : '98618',
'meta' : {
'versionId' : '1',
'profile' : [ '' ]
'extension' : [ {
'url' : '',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'manual'
} ]
}, {
'url' : '',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'NotSynchronized'
} ]
} ],
'identifier' : [ {
'use' : 'official',
'system' : 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.',
'value' : '11111111',
'period' : {
'start' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
} ],
'active' : false,
'name' : 'defaultTestFactory-be16f47b-1f8a-4440-a02e-23da1219b0ca',
'partOf' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'fullUrl' : '',
'resource' : {
'resourceType' : 'CareTeam',
'id' : '87455',
'meta' : {
'versionId' : '1',
'profile' : [ '' ]
'identifier' : [ {
'system' : 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',
'value' : 'urn:uuid:9658ef5f-019a-4c90-9c41-f3ad14a31777'
} ],
'status' : 'active',
'name' : '1b900db5-09dd-4563-b612-2b81201fab16',
'reasonCode' : [ {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : 'urn:oid:',
'code' : 'DJ44'
} ]
} ]
}, {
'fullUrl' : '',
'resource' : {
'resourceType' : 'QuestionnaireResponse',
'id' : '92491',
'meta' : {
'versionId' : '1',
'profile' : [ '' ]
'extension' : [ {
'url' : '',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'url' : '',
'extension' : [ {
'url' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',
'valueId' : ''
}, {
'url' : 'start',
'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
}, {
'url' : 'end',
'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
}, {
'url' : 'type',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'Resolved'
} ]
} ]
} ],
'basedOn' : [ {
'reference' : ''
} ],
'questionnaire' : '',
'status' : 'completed',
'subject' : {
'reference' : ''
'authored' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',
'source' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'fullUrl' : '',
'resource' : {
'resourceType' : 'Communication',
'id' : '97180',
'meta' : {
'versionId' : '1',
'profile' : [ '' ]
'extension' : [ {
'url' : '',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'url' : '',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'None'
} ]
} ],
'basedOn' : [ {
'reference' : ''
} ],
'status' : 'in-progress',
'category' : [ {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'annotation'
} ]
}, {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'advice'
} ]
} ],
'subject' : {
'reference' : ''
'topic' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'report-labs'
} ]
'sent' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00',
'reasonCode' : [ {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'ReminderSubmitMeasurement'
} ]
} ]
}, {
'fullUrl' : 'urn:uuid:57cfd6a7-dd43-4caa-8220-d50c77aebd8b',
'resource' : {
'resourceType' : 'Parameters',
'parameter' : [ {
'name' : 'serviceRequestResponseSummary',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'serviceRequest',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'condition',
'valueCoding' : {
'system' : 'urn:oid:',
'code' : 'DJ44',
'display' : 'Kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom'
}, {
'name' : 'episodeOfCareManagingOrganization',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'name' : 'episodeOfCarePeriod',
'valuePeriod' : {
'start' : '1970-01-01T01:00:01+01:00',
'end' : '1970-01-01T01:01:40+01:00'
}, {
'name' : 'patientIdentifier',
'valueIdentifier' : {
'system' : 'urn:oid:',
'value' : '0101010001'
}, {
'name' : 'statusHistory',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'statusPeriod',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'status',
'valueCoding' : {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'draft'
}, {
'name' : 'period',
'valuePeriod' : {
'start' : '2023-10-02T12:49:12+00:00',
'end' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00'
} ]
}, {
'name' : 'statusPeriod',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'status',
'valueCoding' : {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'active'
}, {
'name' : 'period',
'valuePeriod' : {
'start' : '2023-10-03T12:49:12+00:00',
'end' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00'
} ]
}, {
'name' : 'statusPeriod',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'status',
'valueCoding' : {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'on-hold'
}, {
'name' : 'period',
'valuePeriod' : {
'start' : '2023-10-04T12:49:12+00:00',
'end' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00'
} ]
}, {
'name' : 'statusPeriod',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'status',
'valueCoding' : {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'active'
}, {
'name' : 'period',
'valuePeriod' : {
'start' : '2023-10-05T12:49:12+00:00',
'end' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'
} ]
}, {
'name' : 'statusPeriod',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'status',
'valueCoding' : {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'on-hold'
}, {
'name' : 'period',
'valuePeriod' : {
'start' : '2023-10-08T12:49:12+00:00'
} ]
} ]
}, {
'name' : 'involvedCareTeams',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'careTeam',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
} ]
}, {
'name' : 'responses',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'response',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'occurrence',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'serviceRequestVersionId',
'valueId' : ''
}, {
'name' : 'start',
'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
}, {
'name' : 'end',
'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T14:49:12+02:00'
}, {
'name' : 'type',
'valueCodeableConcept' : {
'coding' : [ {
'system' : '',
'code' : 'Resolved'
} ]
} ]
}, {
'name' : 'questionnaireResponse',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
}, {
'name' : 'submitted',
'valueDateTime' : '2023-10-10T12:49:12+00:00'
} ]
} ]
}, {
'name' : 'communications',
'part' : [ {
'name' : 'communication',
'valueReference' : {
'reference' : ''
} ]
} ]
} ]
} ]
} ]
<system value="urn:iso:std:iso:3166"/>
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<type value="false"/>
<instance value="false"/>
<name value="anonymization"/>
<use value="in"/>
<min value="1"/>
<max value="1"/>
<type value="string"/>
<name value="_partition"/>
<use value="in"/>
<min value="0"/>
<max value="1"/>
<type value="integer"/>
<name value="organization"/>
<use value="in"/>
<min value="1"/>
<max value="1"/>
<type value="Reference"/>
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<use value="in"/>
<min value="0"/>
<max value="*"/>
<type value="Coding"/>
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<use value="in"/>
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<max value="1"/>
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<use value="in"/>
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<max value="*"/>
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<max value="*"/>
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<use value="in"/>
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<max value="*"/>
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<max value="*"/>
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<min value="0"/>
<max value="1"/>
<type value="Binary"/>