Union of http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/cs/clinicalimpression-finding-codes and http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/cs/clinicalimpression-finding-codes

This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in ClinicalImpression Finding Codes (http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/cs/clinicalimpression-finding-codes) and ClinicalImpression Finding Codes (http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/cs/clinicalimpression-finding-codes). E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem f6c17917-f695-4351-a562-71ad1e268e88-59

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/comparison/CodeSystem/f6c17917-f695-4351-a562-71ad1e268e88-59 defines codes, but no codes are represented here

CodeDisplayDefinitionDansk (Danish, da)
red-question-answer red question and answer combinationApplied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a red combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one red combination found.Rød spørgsmål/svar-kombination fundet i spørgeskemabesvarelse
yellow-question-answer yellow question and answer combinationApplied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a yellow combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one yellow combination found and no red combinations found.Gul spørgsmål/svar-kombination fundet i spørgeskemabesvarelse
green-question-answer green question and answer combinationApplied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a green combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one green combination found and no red or yellow combinations found.Grøn spørgsmål/svar-kombination fundet i spørgeskemabesvarelse.
no-effective-answer-significance no effective answer significance for answer and question combinationApplied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates that answer did not meet any answer significance conditions. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates that no answer met the conditions of any answer significance(s) in the related question.Ingen triageringsindikator for spørgsmål/svar-kombination har fundet anvendelse.
no-answer-significance-defined no answer significance defined for question(s)Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates that the question did not have any answer significance. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates that no question had any associated answer significance(s).Ingen triageringsindikator defineret i spørgeskemaet.
red Red overall assessmentOverall assessment is redSamlet vurdering er rød
yellow Yellow overall assessmentOverall assessment is yellowSamlet vurdering er gul
green Green overall assessmentOverall assessment is greenSamlet vurdering er grøn
data-absent measurement data is absentmeasurement data is absentMåledata (måling) har fravær af værdi
TBD Example value - Under constructionExample value - Under construction
measurement-invalidated Measurement has been deemed invalidMeasurement has been deemed invalidMåledata (måling, spørgeskemabesvarelse eller billede) er ugyldiggjort
measurement-invalidation-retracted Measurement invalidation has been retractedMeasurement invalidation has been retractedUgyldiggørelse af måledata (måling, spørgeskemabesvarelse eller billede) er trukket tilbage