Lvl | Code | Display | Definition | Not Selectable | Not Selectable | Dansk (Danish, da) |
1 | group | Group | An item with no direct answer but should have at least one child item. | | | Gruppe |
1 | display | Display | Text for display that will not capture an answer or have child items. | | | Visning |
1 | question | Question | An item that defines a specific answer to be captured, and may have child items. (the answer provided in the QuestionnaireResponse should be of the defined datatype) | true, true, true | true, true, true | Spørgsmål |
2 | boolean | Boolean | Question with a yes/no answer (valueBoolean) | | | Boolsk |
2 | decimal | Decimal | Question with is a real number answer (valueDecimal) | | | Decimal |
2 | integer | Integer | Question with an integer answer (valueInteger) | | | Heltal |
2 | date | Date | Question with a date answer (valueDate) | | | Dato |
2 | dateTime | Date Time | Question with a date and time answer (valueDateTime) | | | Dato & tidspunkt |
2 | time | Time | Question with a time (hour:minute:second) answer independent of date. (valueTime) | | | Tidspunkt |
2 | string | String | Question with a short (few words to short sentence) free-text entry answer (valueString) | | | Tekststreng |
2 | text | Text | Question with a long (potentially multi-paragraph) free-text entry answer (valueString) | | | Fritekst |
2 | url | Url | Question with a URL (website, FTP site, etc.) answer (valueUri) | | | URL |
2 | choice | Choice | Question with a Coding drawn from a list of options (specified in either the option property, or via the valueset referenced in the options property) as an answer (valueCoding) | | | Valg |
2 | open-choice | Open Choice | Answer is a Coding drawn from a list of options (as with the choice type) or a free-text entry in a string (valueCoding or valueString) | | | Åbent valg |
2 | attachment | Attachment | Question with binary content such as a image, PDF, etc. as an answer (valueAttachment) | | | Vedhæftet fil |
2 | reference | Reference | Question with a reference to another resource (practitioner, organization, etc.) as an answer (valueReference) | | | Reference |
2 | quantity | Quantity | Question with a combination of a numeric value and unit, potentially with a comparator (<, >, etc.) as an answer. (valueQuantity) There is an extension '' that can be used to define what unit whould be captured (or the a unit that has a ucum conversion from the provided unit) | | | Antal |
2 | boolean | Boolean | Question with a yes/no answer (valueBoolean) | | | Boolsk |
2 | decimal | Decimal | Question with is a real number answer (valueDecimal) | | | Decimal |
2 | integer | Integer | Question with an integer answer (valueInteger) | | | Heltal |
2 | date | Date | Question with a date answer (valueDate) | | | Dato |
2 | dateTime | Date Time | Question with a date and time answer (valueDateTime) | | | Dato & tidspunkt |
2 | time | Time | Question with a time (hour:minute:second) answer independent of date. (valueTime) | | | Tidspunkt |
2 | string | String | Question with a short (few words to short sentence) free-text entry answer (valueString) | | | Tekststreng |
2 | text | Text | Question with a long (potentially multi-paragraph) free-text entry answer (valueString) | | | Fritekst |
2 | url | Url | Question with a URL (website, FTP site, etc.) answer (valueUri) | | | URL |
2 | choice | Choice | Question with a Coding drawn from a list of options (specified in either the option property, or via the valueset referenced in the options property) as an answer (valueCoding) | | | Valg |
2 | open-choice | Open Choice | Answer is a Coding drawn from a list of options (as with the choice type) or a free-text entry in a string (valueCoding or valueString) | | | Åbent valg |
2 | attachment | Attachment | Question with binary content such as a image, PDF, etc. as an answer (valueAttachment) | | | Vedhæftet fil |
2 | reference | Reference | Question with a reference to another resource (practitioner, organization, etc.) as an answer (valueReference) | | | Reference |
2 | quantity | Quantity | Question with a combination of a numeric value and unit, potentially with a comparator (<, >, etc.) as an answer. (valueQuantity) There is an extension '' that can be used to define what unit whould be captured (or the a unit that has a ucum conversion from the provided unit) | | | Antal |