This page is part of the FUT Infrastructure (v3.1.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 3.4.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 3.1.0 | |||
Active as of 2019-12-11 | Computable Name: DK_IHE_HealthcareFacilityTypeCode_VS |
Allowed value set for healthcare facility type code represents the type of organizational setting of the clinical encounter during which the documented act occurred.
This value set is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)
Generated Narrative: ValueSet dk-ihe-healthcarefacilitytypecode-vs
Code | Display | Dansk (Danish, da) |
557511000005107 | akupunkturklinik | akupunkturklinik |
550871000005101 | akutmodtageenhed | akutmodtageenhed |
394761003 | almen lægepraksis | almen lægepraksis |
264372000 | apotek | apotek |
557501000005109 | apoteksfilial | apoteksfilial |
554851000005102 | asylcenter | asylcenter |
557531000005103 | bandagistklinik | bandagistklinik |
20078004 | behandlingscenter for stofmisbrugere | behandlingscenter for stofmisbrugere |
722173008 | behandlingsenhed i fængsel eller arresthus | behandlingsenhed i fængsel eller arresthus |
309964003 | billeddiagnostisk enhed | billeddiagnostisk enhed |
554221000005108 | bosted | bosted |
56781000005109 | center for misbrugsbehandling | center for misbrugsbehandling |
557881000005104 | COVID-19-testenhed | COVID-19-testenhed |
554031000005103 | diætistklinik | diætistklinik |
557891000005101 | enhed for aktivitetstilbud | enhed for aktivitetstilbud |
546821000005103 | ergoterapiklinik | ergoterapiklinik |
702871004 | fertilitetsklinik | fertilitetsklinik |
554061000005105 | statsautoriseret fodterapeut (snomed: fodterapeutklinik) | statsautoriseret fodterapeut (snomed: fodterapeutklinik) |
557901000005102 | forebyggende hjemmebesøgsenhed | forebyggende hjemmebesøgsenhed |
550861000005106 | fysioterapi- og ergoterapiklinik | fysioterapi- og ergoterapiklinik |
547011000005103 | fysioterapiklinik | fysioterapiklinik |
546811000005109 | genoptræningscenter (snomed: rehabiliteringscenter) | genoptræningscenter (snomed: rehabiliteringscenter) |
554881000005108 | handicap- og psykiatrienhed | handicap- og psykiatrienhed |
554861000005100 | handicapenhed | handicapenhed |
554821000005109 | hjemmeplejeenhed | hjemmeplejeenhed |
550621000005101 | hjemmesygepleje | hjemmesygepleje |
284546000 | hospice | hospice |
22232009 | hospital | hospital |
702824005 | hørecenter | hørecenter |
309904001 | intensivenhed | intensivenhed |
557591000005104 | internetbaseret sundhedsydelse | internetbaseret sundhedsydelse |
554411000005101 | jobcenter | jobcenter |
550631000005103 | jordemoderklinik | jordemoderklinik |
550641000005106 | kiropraktor klinik | kiropraktor klinik |
557521000005101 | klinik for alternativ behandling | klinik for alternativ behandling |
550851000005109 | klinisk enhed | klinisk enhed |
547211000005108 | kommune | kommune |
557561000005105 | konsulentvirksomhed | konsulentvirksomhed |
557541000005106 | kosmetisk klinik | kosmetisk klinik |
550651000005108 | lægelaboratorium | lægelaboratorium |
550661000005105 | lægevagt | lægevagt |
551611000005102 | operationsgang | operationsgang |
557581000005102 | optikervirksomhed | optikervirksomhed |
557671000005101 | osteopatiklinik | osteopatiklinik |
309939001 | palliativ enhed | palliativ enhed |
42665001 | plejehjem | plejehjem |
550891000005100 | privat | privat |
554211000005102 | præhospitals enhed (snomed: præhospitalsenhed) | præhospitals enhed (snomed: præhospitalsenhed) |
554871000005105 | psykiatrienhed | psykiatrienhed |
550711000005101 | psykologisk rådgivningsklinik | psykologisk rådgivningsklinik |
556841000005105 | pædagogisk psykologisk rådgivning (PPR) | pædagogisk psykologisk rådgivning (PPR) |
702916001 | rehabiliteringsenhed | rehabiliteringsenhed |
225728007 | skadestue | skadestue |
550671000005100 | speciallægepraksis | speciallægepraksis |
264361005 | sundhedscenter | sundhedscenter |
554041000005106 | sundhedsforvaltning | sundhedsforvaltning |
554021000005101 | sundhedspleje | sundhedspleje |
554071000005100 | sygehusapotek | sygehusapotek |
703069008 | sygeplejeklinik | sygeplejeklinik |
550681000005102 | tandlægepraksis | tandlægepraksis |
550691000005104 | tandpleje klinik | tandpleje klinik |
550701000005104 | tandteknisk klinik | tandteknisk klinik |
554231000005106 | vaccinationsklinik | vaccinationsklinik |
554051000005108 | zoneterapiklinik | zoneterapiklinik |
550811000005108 | administrativ enhed | administrativ enhed |
Generated Narrative: ValueSet
Expansion based on SNOMED CT International edition 01-Feb 2024
This value set contains 17 concepts
Code | System | Display |
394761003 | | almen lægepraksis |
264372000 | | Pharmacy |
554851000005102 | | Asylum seekers centre |
20078004 | | Substance abuse treatment center |
722173008 | | Prison based care site (environment) |
309964003 | | Radiology department |
702871004 | | Infertility clinic |
284546000 | | Hospice |
22232009 | | Hospital |
702824005 | | Audiology clinic |
309904001 | | Intensive care unit |
309939001 | | Palliative care department |
42665001 | | Nursing home |
702916001 | | Rehabilitation clinic (environment) |
225728007 | | Accident and Emergency department |
264361005 | | HC - Health centre |
703069008 | | Nurse practitioner clinic |
Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:
Level | A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies |
System | The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere) |
Code | The code (used as the code in the resource instance) |
Display | The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application |
Definition | An explanation of the meaning of the concept |
Comments | Additional notes about how to use the code |