This page is part of the FUT Infrastructure (v3.1.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 3.4.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 3.1.0 | |||
Active as of 2019-02-08 | Computable Name: ClinicalImpressionFindingCodes |
Value set of clinical impression finding codes.
Generated Narrative: ValueSet ehealth-clinicalimpression-finding-codes
This value set includes codes based on the following rules:
Code | Display | English (United States) (English (United States), en) | Dansk (Danish, da) |
281300000 | Below reference range | Below reference range | |
281302008 | Above reference range | Above reference range | |
281301001 | Within reference range | Within reference range | |
394844007 | Outside reference range | Outside reference range | |
442686002 | Measurement finding below reference range | Measurement finding below reference range | |
442756004 | Measurement finding above reference range | Measurement finding above reference range | |
442082004 | Measurement finding within reference range | Measurement finding within reference range | |
442096005 | Measurement finding outside reference range | Measurement finding outside reference range | |
449171008 | Oxygen saturation below reference range | Oxygen saturation below reference range | |
448225001 | Oxygen saturation within reference range | Oxygen saturation within reference range |
Code | Display | Definition | English (United States) (English (United States), en) | Dansk (Danish, da) |
RAL | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm | |
GAL | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm |
Code | Display | Definition | English (United States) (English (United States), en) | Dansk (Danish, da) |
RELRAL | Terapeutic relative reference range for RED alarm | Terapeutic relative reference range for RED alarm | Terapeutiske relative grænseværdier for RØD alarm | |
RELGAL | Terapeutic relative reference range for YELLOW alarm | Terapeutic relative reference range for YELLOW alarm | Terapeutiske relative grænseværdier for GUL alarm |
Generated Narrative: ValueSet
Expansion based on:
This value set contains 39 concepts
Code | System | Display | Definition |
red-question-answer | | red question and answer combination | Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a red combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one red combination found. |
yellow-question-answer | | yellow question and answer combination | Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a yellow combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one yellow combination found and no red combinations found. |
green-question-answer | | green question and answer combination | Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a green combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one green combination found and no red or yellow combinations found. |
no-effective-answer-significance | | no effective answer significance for answer and question combination | Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates that answer did not meet any answer significance conditions. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates that no answer met the conditions of any answer significance(s) in the related question. |
no-answer-significance-defined | | no answer significance defined for question(s) | Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates that the question did not have any answer significance. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates that no question had any associated answer significance(s). |
red | | Red overall assessment | Overall assessment is red |
yellow | | Yellow overall assessment | Overall assessment is yellow |
green | | Green overall assessment | Overall assessment is green |
data-absent | | measurement data is absent | measurement data is absent |
TBD | | Example value - Under construction | Example value - Under construction |
NPU03011 | urn:oid: | O2 sat.;Hb(aB) | Hb(Fe; O2-bind.; aB)—Oxygen(O2); mætn. = ? |
NPU21692 | urn:oid: | Puls;Hjerte | Hjerte—Systole; frekv. = ? × 1/min |
NPU03804 | urn:oid: | Legeme vægt; Pt | Pt—Legeme; masse = ? kg |
NPU27281 | urn:oid: | Pt—Legeme; massekoefficient(masse/kvadreret højde) = ? kg/m² | Pt—Legeme; massekoefficient(masse/kvadreret højde) = ? kg/m² |
NPU03794 | urn:oid: | Pt—Legeme; højde = ? m | Pt—Legeme; højde = ? m |
MCS88015 | urn:oid: | FEV1;Lunge | Lunge—Lungefunktionsundersøgelse FEV1; vol. = ? L |
MCS88016 | urn:oid: | FVC;Lunge | Lunge—Lungefunktionsundersøgelse vitalkapasitet FVC; vol. = ? L |
MCS88017 | urn:oid: | FEV1/FVC;Lunge | Lunge—FEV1/FVC; ratio = ? |
MCS88019 | urn:oid: | Blodtryk hjemme systolisk;Arm | Arm—Blodtryk(systolisk) hjemme; tryk = ? mmHg |
MCS88020 | urn:oid: | Blodtryk hjemme diastolisk;Arm | Arm—Blodtryk(diastolisk) hjemme; tryk = ? mmHg |
MCS88021 | urn:oid: | MRC skala;Pt(KOL) | Pt(KOL) —MRC skala; arb.antal(værdi 1-5) = ? |
MCS88023 | urn:oid: | FEV1 af forventet værdi;Pt(KOL) | Pt(KOL) - FEV1 i % af den forventede værdi (efter højde,alder og køn); ratio = ? |
MCS88050 | urn:oid: | Rejse sætte sig testen;Pt | Pt—Rejse sætte sig testen; antal (værdi 0-50) = × 1/ 30 sek |
MCS88137 | urn:oid: | CAT score;Pt | Pt—CORD Assessment Test (CAT) score; antal(værdi 0-40) = ? |
ZZ3170 | urn:oid: | Hjemmeblodtryksmåling udført af patienten | |
281300000 | | Below reference range | |
281302008 | | Above reference range | |
281301001 | | Within reference range | |
394844007 | | Outside reference range (qualifier value) | |
442686002 | | Measurement finding below reference range (finding) | |
442756004 | | Measurement finding above reference range | |
442082004 | | Measurement finding within reference range | |
442096005 | | Measurement finding outside reference range | |
449171008 | | Oxygen saturation below reference range (finding) | |
448225001 | | Oxygen saturation within reference range (finding) | |
RAL | urn:oid: | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm |
GAL | urn:oid: | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm | Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm |
RELRAL | | Terapeutic relative reference range for RED alarm | Terapeutic relative reference range for RED alarm |
RELGAL | | Terapeutic relative reference range for YELLOW alarm | Terapeutic relative reference range for YELLOW alarm |
Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:
Level | A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies |
System | The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere) |
Code | The code (used as the code in the resource instance) |
Display | The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application |
Definition | An explanation of the meaning of the concept |
Comments | Additional notes about how to use the code |