Mappings for the ehealth-group-videoappointment resource profile.
ehealth-group-videoappointment |
Appointment | Entity. Role, or Act, Act[@moodCode <= 'INT'] |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | .id |
status | .statusCode |
cancelationReason | n/a |
serviceCategory | n/a, might be inferred from the ServiceDeliveryLocation |
serviceType | n/a, might be inferred from the ServiceDeliveryLocation |
serviceType (appointmentServiceType) | n/a, might be inferred from the ServiceDeliveryLocation |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
coding | union(., ./translation) |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
system | ./codeSystem |
version | ./codeSystemVersion |
code | ./code |
display | CV.displayName |
userSelected | CD.codingRationale |
text | ./originalText[mediaType/code="text/plain"]/data |
specialty | .performer.AssignedPerson.code |
appointmentType | .code |
reasonCode | .reasonCode |
reasonReference | .inboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'RSON'].observation |
priority | .priorityCode |
description | .text |
supportingInformation | .inboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'SPRT'].observation |
start | .effectiveTime.low |
end | .effectiveTime.high |
minutesDuration | .activityTime[@xsi:type = ('SXPR_TS', 'PIVL_TS')].width |
slot | .outboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'REFR'].act[@classCode = 'ACT'][@moodCode = 'SLOT'] |
created | .author.time |
comment | .subjectOf.observation[@moodCode = 'EVN'][code = 'annotation'].value |
patientInstruction | .subjectOf.observation[@moodCode = 'EVN'][code = 'annotation'].value |
basedOn | .outboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'FLFS'].act[@classCode < 'ActCareProvisionRequestType'][@moodCode = 'RQO'] |
participant | performer | reusableDevice | subject | location |
id | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
type | (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).@typeCode |
actor | performer.person | reusableDevice.manufacturedDevice | subject.patient | location.serviceDeliveryLocation |
required | (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).@performInd |
status | (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).statusCode |
period | n/a |
requestedPeriod | .activityTime[@xsi:type = ('SXPR_TS', 'PIVL_TS')] |
ehealth-group-videoappointment |
Appointment | |
identifier | SCH-1, SCH-2, ARQ-1, ARQ-2 |
status | SCH-25 |
serviceType | |
serviceType (appointmentServiceType) | |
coding | C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22 |
system | C*E.3 |
version | C*E.7 |
code | C*E.1 |
display | C*E.2 - but note this is not well followed |
userSelected | Sometimes implied by being first |
text | C*E.9. But note many systems use C*E.2 for this |
appointmentType | ARQ-7 |
reasonCode | AIS-3, SCH-7 |
priority | ARQ-12, SCH-11.6 / TQ1-9 |
description | NTE-3 |
start | ARQ-11.1, SCH-11.4 / TQ1-7 |
end | SCH-11.5 / TQ1-8/ calculated based on the start and the duration which is in ARQ-9 |
comment | NTE-3 |
patientInstruction | NTE-3 |
participant | PID, AIP, AIG, AIL |
type | AIP-4, AIG-4 |
actor | PID-3-Patient ID List | AIL-3 | AIG-3 | AIP-3 |
status | AIP-12, AIG-14 |
requestedPeriod | ARQ-11 |