This page is part of the FUT Infrastructure (v3.2.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 3.4.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 3.2.0 | |||
Active as of 2024-08-06 | Computable Name: careplan |
Raw OpenAPI-Swagger Definition file | Download
Generated Narrative: CapabilityStatement careplan
, xml
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, json
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, html/json
, html/xml
, html/turtle
Note to Implementers: FHIR Capabilities
Any FHIR capability may be 'allowed' by the system unless explicitly marked as 'SHALL NOT'. A few items are marked as MAY in the Implementation Guide to highlight their potential relevance to the use case.
interaction.The summary table lists the resources that are part of this configuration, and for each resource it lists:
Resource Type | Profile | R | V-R | S | U | P | C | D | Searches | _include | _revinclude | Operations |
CarePlan | | y | y | y | y | _id, _lastUpdated, _tag, activity-reference, care-team, category, condition, date, episodeOfCare, goal, identifier, instantiates-canonical, part-of, patient, status, status-history-end-time, status-history-start-time, status-history-status, status-scheduled-status, status-scheduled-time, team-scheduled-time | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:part-of | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:care-team , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:instantiates-canonical , CarePlan:part-of , CarePlan:patient , CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:encounter , CommunicationRequest:episodeOfCare , CommunicationRequest:patient , CommunicationRequest:recipient , CommunicationRequest:replaces , CommunicationRequest:requester , CommunicationRequest:sender , CommunicationRequest:subject , Consent:actor , Consent:data , Consent:patient , EpisodeOfCare:condition , EpisodeOfCare:organization , EpisodeOfCare:patient , EpisodeOfCare:team , Goal:addresses , Goal:patient , Goal:subject , Provenance:target | $validate , $update-care-teams , $suggest-care-teams | |||
CommunicationRequest | | y | y | y | y | y | y | _content, _has, _id, _language, _lastUpdated, _profile, _security, _tag, _text, authored, based-on, category, encounter, episodeOfCare, group-identifier, identifier, medium, occurrence, patient, priority, reasonCode, recipient, replaces, requester, sender, status, subject | CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:context | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:care-team , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:instantiates-canonical , CarePlan:part-of , CarePlan:patient , CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:encounter , CommunicationRequest:episodeOfCare , CommunicationRequest:patient , CommunicationRequest:recipient , CommunicationRequest:replaces , CommunicationRequest:requester , CommunicationRequest:sender , CommunicationRequest:subject , Consent:actor , Consent:data , Consent:patient , EpisodeOfCare:condition , EpisodeOfCare:organization , EpisodeOfCare:patient , EpisodeOfCare:team , Goal:addresses , Goal:patient , Goal:subject , Provenance:target | $validate | |
Condition | | y | y | y | y | * | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:care-team , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:instantiates-canonical , CarePlan:part-of , CarePlan:patient , CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:encounter , CommunicationRequest:episodeOfCare , CommunicationRequest:patient , CommunicationRequest:recipient , CommunicationRequest:replaces , CommunicationRequest:requester , CommunicationRequest:sender , CommunicationRequest:subject , Consent:actor , Consent:data , Consent:patient , EpisodeOfCare:condition , EpisodeOfCare:organization , EpisodeOfCare:patient , EpisodeOfCare:team , Goal:addresses , Goal:patient , Goal:subject , Provenance:target | $validate | ||||
Consent | | y | y | y | y | y | data, _tag, actor, category, identifier, patient, period, status | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:care-team , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:instantiates-canonical , CarePlan:part-of , CarePlan:patient , CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:encounter , CommunicationRequest:episodeOfCare , CommunicationRequest:patient , CommunicationRequest:recipient , CommunicationRequest:replaces , CommunicationRequest:requester , CommunicationRequest:sender , CommunicationRequest:subject , Consent:actor , Consent:data , Consent:patient , EpisodeOfCare:condition , EpisodeOfCare:organization , EpisodeOfCare:patient , EpisodeOfCare:team , Goal:addresses , Goal:patient , Goal:subject , Provenance:target | $validate | |||
EpisodeOfCare | | y | y | y | y | _tag, condition, identifier, organization, patient, status, status-scheduled-time, team, team-scheduled-time | EpisodeOfCare:condition | CarePlan:episodeOfCare | $validate , $update-care-teams , $is-context-allowed | |||
Goal | | y | y | y | y | y | _content, _filter, _has, _id, _language, _lastUpdated, _profile, _security, _source, _tag, _text, addresses, category, identifier, lifecycle-status, patient, start-date, subject, target-date | * , Goal:patient , Goal:subject | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:care-team , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:instantiates-canonical , CarePlan:part-of , CarePlan:patient , CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:encounter , CommunicationRequest:episodeOfCare , CommunicationRequest:patient , CommunicationRequest:recipient , CommunicationRequest:replaces , CommunicationRequest:requester , CommunicationRequest:sender , CommunicationRequest:subject , Consent:actor , Consent:data , Consent:patient , EpisodeOfCare:condition , EpisodeOfCare:organization , EpisodeOfCare:patient , EpisodeOfCare:team , Goal:addresses , Goal:patient , Goal:subject , Provenance:target | |||
OperationDefinition | | y | * | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:care-team , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:instantiates-canonical , CarePlan:part-of , CarePlan:patient , CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:encounter , CommunicationRequest:episodeOfCare , CommunicationRequest:patient , CommunicationRequest:recipient , CommunicationRequest:replaces , CommunicationRequest:requester , CommunicationRequest:sender , CommunicationRequest:subject , Consent:actor , Consent:data , Consent:patient , EpisodeOfCare:condition , EpisodeOfCare:organization , EpisodeOfCare:patient , EpisodeOfCare:team , Goal:addresses , Goal:patient , Goal:subject , Provenance:target | ||||||||
Provenance | | y | y | y | target, _tag | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:care-team , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:instantiates-canonical , CarePlan:part-of , CarePlan:patient , CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:encounter , CommunicationRequest:episodeOfCare , CommunicationRequest:patient , CommunicationRequest:recipient , CommunicationRequest:replaces , CommunicationRequest:requester , CommunicationRequest:sender , CommunicationRequest:subject , Consent:actor , Consent:data , Consent:patient , EpisodeOfCare:condition , EpisodeOfCare:organization , EpisodeOfCare:patient , EpisodeOfCare:team , Goal:addresses , Goal:patient , Goal:subject , Provenance:target | $validate | |||||
ServiceRequest | | y | y | y | * | CarePlan:activity-reference , CarePlan:care-team , CarePlan:condition , CarePlan:episodeOfCare , CarePlan:goal , CarePlan:instantiates-canonical , CarePlan:part-of , CarePlan:patient , CommunicationRequest:based-on , CommunicationRequest:encounter , CommunicationRequest:episodeOfCare , CommunicationRequest:patient , CommunicationRequest:recipient , CommunicationRequest:replaces , CommunicationRequest:requester , CommunicationRequest:sender , CommunicationRequest:subject , Consent:actor , Consent:data , Consent:patient , EpisodeOfCare:condition , EpisodeOfCare:organization , EpisodeOfCare:patient , EpisodeOfCare:team , Goal:addresses , Goal:patient , Goal:subject , Provenance:target | $validate |
, search-type
, vread
, read
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | _id | token | The ID of the resource |
SHALL | _lastUpdated | date | Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range |
SHALL | _tag | token | Search for resources which have the given tag |
SHALL | activity-reference | reference | Activity details defined in specific resource |
SHALL | care-team | reference | Who's involved in plan? |
SHALL | category | token | Type of plan |
SHALL | condition | reference | Health issues this plan addresses |
SHALL | date | date | Time period plan covers |
SHALL | episodeOfCare | reference | EpisodeOfCare |
SHALL | goal | reference | Goal of the care plan |
SHALL | identifier | token | External Ids for this plan |
SHALL | instantiates-canonical | reference | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition |
SHALL | part-of | reference | Part of referenced CarePlan |
SHALL | patient | reference | Who care plan is for |
SHALL | status | token | draft | active | suspended | completed | entered-in-error | cancelled | unknown |
SHALL | status-history-end-time | date | end time of historic status change |
SHALL | status-history-start-time | date | start time of historic status change |
SHALL | status-history-status | token | status of historic status change |
SHALL | status-scheduled-status | token | Scheduled status for status change |
SHALL | status-scheduled-time | date | Scheduled time for status change |
SHALL | team-scheduled-time | date | Scheduled time for team change |
Conformance | Operation | Documentation |
SHALL | $validate | |
SHALL | $update-care-teams | The operation modifies the care team assignment of the care plan and all of its sub plans. |
SHALL | $suggest-care-teams | Suggest care teams matching the conditions required by the care plan on either a regional or a municipality level. The suggested care teams has reason codes matching all the conditions addressed by the care plan and has a managing organization matching the input region code or municipality code. One of region code or municipality code must be input. If both region code and municipality code is input, then the municipality code is ignored. Return a bundle with matching care teams and their managing organizations. |
, search-type
, vread
, read
, delete
, create
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | _content | string | Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search |
SHALL | _has | string | Return resources linked to by the given target |
SHALL | _id | token | The ID of the resource |
SHALL | _language | string | The language of the resource |
SHALL | _lastUpdated | date | Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range |
SHALL | _profile | uri | Search for resources which have the given profile |
SHALL | _security | token | Search for resources which have the given security labels |
SHALL | _tag | token | Search for resources which have the given tag |
SHALL | _text | string | Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search |
SHALL | authored | date | When request transitioned to being actionable |
SHALL | based-on | reference | Fulfills plan or proposal |
SHALL | category | token | Message category |
SHALL | encounter | reference | Encounter leading to message |
SHALL | episodeOfCare | reference | Episode leading to message |
SHALL | group-identifier | token | Composite request this is part of |
SHALL | identifier | token | Unique identifier |
SHALL | medium | token | A channel of communication |
SHALL | occurrence | date | When scheduled |
SHALL | patient | reference | Focus of message |
SHALL | priority | token | Message urgency |
SHALL | reasonCode | token | ReasonCode |
SHALL | recipient | reference | Message recipient |
SHALL | replaces | reference | Request(s) replaced by this request |
SHALL | requester | reference | Individual making the request |
SHALL | sender | reference | Message sender |
SHALL | status | token | draft | active | suspended | cancelled | completed | entered-in-error | unknown |
SHALL | subject | reference | Focus of message |
Conformance | Operation | Documentation |
SHALL | $validate |
, read
, patch
, create
.Conformance | Operation | Documentation |
SHALL | $validate |
, search-type
, vread
, read
, create
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | data | reference | The actual data reference |
SHALL | _tag | token | Search for resources which have the given tag |
SHALL | actor | reference | Resource for the actor (or group, by role) |
SHALL | category | token | Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval |
SHALL | identifier | token | Identifier for this record (external references) |
SHALL | patient | reference | Who the consent applies to |
SHALL | period | date | Period that this consent applies |
SHALL | status | token | draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error |
Conformance | Operation | Documentation |
SHALL | $validate |
, vread
, read
, patch
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | _tag | token | Search for resources which have the given tag |
SHALL | condition | reference | Conditions/problems/diagnoses this episode of care is for |
SHALL | identifier | token | Business Identifier(s) relevant for this EpisodeOfCare |
SHALL | organization | reference | The organization that has assumed the specific responsibilities of this EpisodeOfCare |
SHALL | patient | reference | The patient who is the focus of this episode of care |
SHALL | status | token | The current status of the Episode of Care as provided (does not check the status history collection) |
SHALL | status-scheduled-time | date | Scheduled time for status change |
SHALL | team | reference | The list of practitioners that may be facilitating this episode of care for specific purposes. |
SHALL | team-scheduled-time | date | Scheduled time for team change |
Conformance | Operation | Documentation |
SHALL | $validate | |
SHALL | $update-care-teams | Modify the care team assignment of the episode of care and all care plans that has the episode of care as context. |
SHALL | $is-context-allowed | Checks that it is allowed to set an EpisodeOfCare as context. If the user requesting context is a patient, then the patient input parameter should be specified. If the user requesting context is a practitioner, then the careTeam input parameter should be specified. Throws an exception if it is not allowed to select the Episode Of Care context. OutputFor valid Episode of Care is returned references that cause the Episode of Care to be valid context. For a practitioner, two output parameters will be returned on success:
, search-type
, vread
, read
, create
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | _content | string | Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search |
SHALL | _filter | string | Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter |
SHALL | _has | string | Return resources linked to by the given target |
SHALL | _id | token | The ID of the resource |
SHALL | _language | string | The language of the resource |
SHALL | _lastUpdated | date | Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range |
SHALL | _profile | uri | Search for resources which have the given profile |
SHALL | _security | token | Search for resources which have the given security labels |
SHALL | _source | uri | Search for resources which have the given source value (Resource.meta.source) |
SHALL | _tag | token | Search for resources which have the given tag |
SHALL | _text | string | Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search |
SHALL | addresses | reference | What the goal addresses |
SHALL | category | token | E.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral, etc. |
SHALL | identifier | token | External Ids for this goal |
SHALL | lifecycle-status | token | proposed | accepted | planned | in-progress | on-target | ahead-of-target | behind-target | sustaining | achieved | on-hold | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected |
SHALL | patient | reference | Who this goal is intended for |
SHALL | start-date | date | When goal pursuit begins |
SHALL | subject | reference | Who this goal is intended for |
SHALL | target-date | date | Reach goal on or before |
, vread
, read
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | target | reference | Target Reference(s) (usually version specific) |
SHALL | _tag | token | Search for resources which have the given tag |
Conformance | Operation | Documentation |
SHALL | $validate |
, vread
, read
.Conformance | Operation | Documentation |
SHALL | $validate |