This page is part of the FUT Infrastructure (v3.2.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 3.4.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
- Event Timing
- Care Plan Status
- Action guidance types
- Action Type
- Action
- Activity Definition Codes
- Administrative Status
- Appointment Reason
- Appointment Service Types
- Appointment Type Codes
- Basic resource type
- CarePlan Category
- CareTeam Category
- CareTeam Participant Role
- ClinicalImpression Codes
- ClinicalImpression Decision Codes
- ClinicalImpression Finding Codes
- ClinicalImpression Investigation Item Codes
- Clone Operation
- Communication Category
- Conditions
- Consent Category
- ContactPoint Custodian
- ContactPoint System
- Device calibration actor
- Device calibration period
- Device Measuring Quality
- Device safety
- Device service types
- Device Supplier Roles
- Device Types
- Device Use Reason
- DeviceMetric Property Types
- DeviceMetric Quality Types
- Document Class
- Document Type
- Policies for provenances
- UCUM printSymbol supplement
- eHealth Usage Contxt Type
- FS III, borgerens vurdering af betydning
- FS III, borgerens vurdering af udførelse
- FS III, Samfundsliv
- FS III, Mentale funktioner
- FS III, Mobilitet
- FS III, Praktiske opgaver
- FS III, Egenomsorg
- FS III, Kommunikation
- FS III, Udskillelse af affaldsstoffer
- FS III, Funktionsniveau
- FS III, Viden og udvikling
- FS III, Bevægeapparat
- FS III, Ernæring
- FS III, Smerter og sanseindtryk
- FS III, Psykosociale forhold
- FS III, Respiration og cirkulation
- FS III, Seksualitet
- FS III, Hud og slimhinder
- FS III, Søvn og hvile
- FS III, niveauer
- Goal Description
- Jurisdiction
- Library Type
- Sharing Approval Policies
- Measurement Sharing Policies
- Message Category
- Message Medium
- Message ReasonCode
- Modifier Role
- OIO-BPP Role
- OIO Organization Type
- Organization Relation Type
- Organization Source
- Organization Synchronization Status
- Overview usage mode
- Integer percentage codes
- PlanDefinition Recommendation
- Priority
- Quality Types
- Questionnaire Elements
- Questionnaire Item Significance Indicator
- Questionnaire Recommendation
- Questionnaire Types
- Reference Range Type
- Resolved Timing Type
- Restriction Category
- Situation Quality
- SOR Organization Specialty
- SOR Organization Type
- Ehealth System
- Task Category
- Topic Type
- Trigger Enablement Code
- eHealth Unit Codes
- Usage Quality
- View types
- Address Type
- Address Use
- Care Team Status
- Consent State Codes
- Days Of Week
- Episode Of Care Status
- Questionnaire Item Type
- Publication Status
- Request Status
- Resource Type
- v3 Code System TimingEvent
- Regional subdivision codes
- Medcom Device Types
- Danish SNOMED CT Extension
- Danish SNOMED CT Extension
- Danish SNOMED CT Extension
- DataAbsentReason
- HL7 Terminology Maintenance Infrastructure Vocabulary
- Common Codes from BCP-47
- Sundhedsvæsenets klassifikationssystem (SKS)
- Questionnaires used in the Danish Patient Reported Outcome (PRO)
- MedCom Message Codes
- DK IHE Format Code CodeSystem
- Medcom Instrument Codes
- DAK-E Codes
- DK IHE ClassCode CS